In October 2010 Nomad Two Worlds was invited to meet with President Clinton's Global Initiative (CGI) Haiti Action Network in regards to Haiti. We were asked how Nomad Two Worlds might collaborate with the Haitian art and manufacture community to help in the massive recovery effort to see Haiti back on its feet.

Following several visits to Haiti and further meetings with CGI Haiti Action Network we have developed a Haitian collaboration using Nomad Two Worlds Australia Project as the model. I have just returned from a meeting in Haiti with CGI Haiti Action Network and during my time there was very excited to of see the first 'Nomad Two Worlds Haitian Collaboration' art pieces well in to production! In Los Angeles On February 22, 2011 Nomad Two Worlds, in partnership with Donna Karan's Urban Zen and in collaboration with the Haitian artisans, Nomad Two Worlds will formally unveil the first pieces in the Haitian collaborative art series during our Australian opening . Using the great learning provided by our indigenous Australian artists and partners the Haitian series is on the path to becoming the backbone for licensing and branding opportunities. Our goal is to see these opportunities lead to manufacture opportunities for the Haitian community. We hope to also to be a part of the rebranding of Haiti that will demonstrate the richness of Haitian culture and to contribute to long term sustainable recovery.

Our February opening in Los Angeles will highlight the next phase of our rapidly growing Australian collaboration that leads the way for all our projects. At the opening we will unveil our emerging Native American and Haitian collaborations. Our Australia Indigenous artists will work with our new partners as we continue to harness art, music and culture for sustainable outcomes.

In the attached photograph President Clinton officially opened the iron works. Due in great part to the commitment of Denis O'Brien of Digicel the Iron Market has been rebuilt in magnificent form. Less than one year since the iconic structure fell during the earthquake Mr O'Brien and his team have demonstrated and inspired us all that 'Build Back Better' can be done. To borrow from another presidents mantra "Yes We can"!