Reinold Clerisier

Reinold Clerisier, born in Anse-a-Folier near Port-au-Prince is a talented sequin artist in the old tradition of Depitation. Sequin artists are among the most gentle, knowing and spiritual people on earth. With a steady rhythm, they thread thousands of beads and sequins, a cadence that can be compared to the chanting of a prayer, creating a complex combination of color and iconography associated with the Iwa (voodoo spirits).

Photograph by Russell James. Collaborative art by Reinold Clerisier (HA) with creative direction by Gael Monnin (HA).

This image represents Ayida-Weddo - the female version of Damballah, which is one of the most important of all the loa. Damballah is the Sky God and considered the creator of all life. He is both a member of the Rada family and a root, or racine Loa. In Haiti he is often depicted as a serpent and is closely associated with snakes. He is considered the father of all the loa as all Spirits are aspects of Damballah. His wife/companion Ayida Wedo, is also a Loa of creation. Damballah rules the mind, intellect, and cosmic equilibrium.

Notice on the woman's belly the Veve (symbol) of this spirit.

Photograph by Russell James. Collaborative art by Reinold Clerisier (HA) with creative direction by Gael Monnin (HA).

This image has been transformed into Baron La Croix (Baron of the Cross). A Loa of the dead and sexuality, along with Baron Samedi and Baron Cimetière. He is the ultimate suave and sophisticated spirit of Death - quite cultured and debonair. He has an existential philosophy about death, finding death's reason for being both humorous and absurd. Baron La Croix is the extreme expression of individuality, and offers to you the reminder of delighting in life's pleasures. Live happy and live well, for even the most rich and talented, or the most poor and resourceful people are not spared the ultimate universal experience - Death.