Translation: Essence of self, the DNA of the soul.

Photograph by Russell James. Collaborative art by Clifton Bieundurry (AUS).

James' photograph of Bieundurry's face painted in traditional ochre represents James' desire to understand the ancient culture of Indigenous Australians.

Bieundurry's collaborative art represents the essence of Walmajarri people and their bloodlines and beliefs - physically and spiritually - ingrained in their art and ways of being, and passed down to generations as artistic expression. Bieundurry learned from his father, uncles and brothers and pledges to continue by passing this cultural knowledge to his own son.

Ngajimana minyarti nguwajanka. Minyarti nguwapa ngaji. Pirlajartipa ngaji. Ngajipaju pirlirr manyanjadu minyarti nguwanga. (Translation: I am of this earth. The earth is of me. My flesh will perish. But in the earth my soul will rest.)

The combined art piece represents the transference of cultural knowledge.